
Not sure if you’re in the right place? Here are some common reasons parents seek my services…

Preparing for or remediating oral motor and feeding challenges before and after tongue tie release

Increased Tension in the body from birth making it difficult to nurse, and enjoy tummy time

Motor skills delays making it hard to keep up with peers on the playground or perform fine motor tasks required for self-care activities at home and in school

Ongoing concerns with eating or open mouth posture, including those related to tongue-tie, nursing issues, tongue thrust, and other oral motor habits

Torticollis and facial asymmetries cause by head-shape abnormalities, including those related to positional biases, side preferences, gestational/birth injuries or oral motor insufficiencies

Not seeing the results, you expected and hitting plateaus in therapeutic interventions

Setting up children to succeed by meeting them where they are:

At Sense-able Connections we tap into the brain’s plasticity by using different therapeutic modalities to help a child thrive in any environment.

Our approach fosters safety and is centered around parent education so that carry over is easy and seamless.

We use craniosacral therapy, sensory integration, therapeutic touch, and functional movement strategies, alongside other therapeutic modalities and evidence-based practices to help children build on their existing abilities and surpass any difficulties they may be experiencing.